Wampum Influenza Epidemic

As the Influenza epidemic spread, the care of the cases in the Wampum area was taken over by the Crescent Portland Cement Company. The Company opened an infirmary in the plant to take care of its employees, but soon it was handling all the citizens.

The epidemic reached its height about October 12, 1918 and remained stationary for two weeks when a gradual abatement took place. The hospital was closed temporarily and all patients taken care in their homes. The company sent nurses from house to house and rendered aid wherever necessary twenty-four hours a day until December 3, 1918 when the doctors reported we were entirely free from the disease.

During the epidemic all public places were closed:
schools churches, moving picture houses, saloons, etc.

As near as can be accounted for, there were:

  • 885 cases of influenza resulting in 37 deaths in the Wampum area
  • The total number of doctor’s calls was 3,155

Crescent Portland Cement Company Infirmary – Total Employees

  • Doctors – 5
  • Trained Nurses – 8
  • Red Cross Nurse – 1
  • Practical Nurses – 14
  • Cooks – 2
  • Orderlies – 3
  • Other help – 8

Two nurses and five practical nurses contracted the disease. They all recovered!

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